Help with LED Lamp concept.

I would recommend learning C then C++ as an easier path, but that is just how I came to know the languages. I don't try and write any C++ features in my code but of course use most of the arduino libraries that do use C++ features.

Learning a few C++ features and using them can make many coding jobs far neater/easier/safer.

eg. An RGB LED. If you've got several of them attached it makes far more sense to create a LED 'object':

class RGB_LED {
  byte reg,green,blue;
  void setBrightness(byte b) {
  void setHue(int h) {
    // Set the color using a 'hue' value...

// Then you can have lists of them

RGB_LED frontLeds[8];  // 8 RGB leds at the front
RGB_LED rearLeds[8];   // 8 RGB leds at the rear

How would you write that in C?

byte frontLeds[8][3];  // 8 RGB leds at the front

void setHue(byte led[], int h)
  //  .. ?

Surely that sort of pointer manipulation isn't something we should encourage when you're using a C++ compiler.