Powertip PG12864 and Mega 2560

Hi again

I downloaded the link that you sent. Using the data I transposed the pins from the display in the document to the Arduino Mega. I even colour coded everything so I wouldn't get lost.
I opened the example in the T6963c Library altering the panel dimensions to those of the PG12864-F and where necessary changed the screen figures as well, ie. where 240 change to 128 and 128 to 64 (not sure if that is causing problems ). It compiled fine and uploaded but not a dicky bird from the screen. It doesn't even flicker although it is on (I've checked the contrast).

If I can't get a demo to run, when everything in the sketch is presumably correct I don't see me succeeding in creating my own as I don't understand the code used. It is looks very different to the Arduino Uno code, which is unexpected. I don't see any initialisation of pins taking place nor any other familiar coding.

I would appreciate your input again and also the input from anybody else who can help me.
The frustration levels are very high and if I don't get it sorted sometime soon I can see the panel metamorphosing into a "frizzbee"

Help Please, somebody.
