Port grey out

I have used the arduino ono running some test program for some time but then when I progress to shift register then my port just grey out and can't recognized the port. I am using a Thinkpad 64bit fedora 14. I have try everything that is ever printed on your forum, be a member of user group dialout, lock, tty, uucp, install arduino-1.0.6 and change the avrdude and avrdude.conf in /usr/bin and /etc/avrdude/.
$> cd ''''/lib
$> rm librxtxSerial.so RXTXcomm.jar
$> ln -s /usr/share/java/RXTXcomm.jar
$> ln -s /usr/lib/rxtx/librxtxSerial.so
If I goes to arduino-1.0.6>arduino>run nothing happen that means the sketch don't appear. I have to goes to root to get the sketch appear but a message of WARNING: RXTX Version mismatch
Jar version = RXTX-2.2
native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre2
But then the port is still greyout. I am at my wits end May beg for help urgent otherwise all those time spend and arduino and accessories bought would be going to waste.