Non-blocking Server

I would imagine it is the delay(1); which is causing the pause, as delay basically stops the arduino.

Try taking the delay out and see what happens. You ought to avoid using delays wherever possible.

Nah, I tried that. The delay(1) stems from ... crap, now I can't remember where I saw it in, but I already removed it. It is the whole process of receiving the browser request, process, and send data back that causes the servo stop briefly.

I don't know how you expect to be able to accomplish this. It takes time to accept and process a client request. Obviously, during that time, the servoSweep() function is not being called. You might see less impact on the servo movement if you call servoSweep() often during the processing of the client request.

So you're suggesting sprinkling the servoSweep() call inside of the "while (client.connected()) { ... }" loop?

I don't know the servo library, but it seems like you can just use the value of pos variable instead of calling read(), no?

Doubt that will make any difference, it's not the servo call that's causing the blocking.