[SOLVED] MJKDZ brand I2C Controller working with 1602 LCD

If you are out of ideas, and are unable to determine the pin wiring of your i2c chip to the hd44780 interface,
attached is a sketch I wrote that will try to figure it all out by guessing.
It will locate the i2c chip's address then try several of the most common configurations.
I will say that while I've not seen any damage occur using incorrect configurations, it is possible
that using an incorrect configuration could damage the hardware.

It uses the serial port along with the serial monitor in the IDE to
control the "guessing".
See the comments in the sketch for how set things up and how to use it.

Give it a try and let me know if it detects the proper constructor for you.

I'm working on some updates for the library that are not quite finished yet.
This sketch is one of the updates.

--- bill

Many thanks Bill, this has proven to be extremely useful!