any fans of the Bascom AVR ?

BASIC is a vey useful and powerful language that has as its parents CoBOL and ForTran. Bet you didn't know that. It was developed for calculations and output.

I know all that.
Basic is easy, that's why it's the first language taught in school back in the days of Apple II.
Later, they tried to clean it up by removing line numbers, and implementing subroutines/function but it's still a hot mess.
Basic had it's heyday in computing history, but it's time to move on.

I know Fortran - Formula Translation - did some programming on that in CP/M on Apple II.
I know Cobol too - that god awful language. Programmed IBM mainframes in CICS/COBOL/MVS to write reports, compute your daily interest and account balances. Also did bill payment systems, so you can pay your bills directly via the ATM... glue in the backend is that freaking Cobol language. Some banks are very resistant and afraid of change even in the early 90s... still using Cobol. Working in banking IT will suck the life out of your soul. Stay away. :slight_smile: