Has anyone EVER uploaded more than 30k sketch to a Mega 2560 or ADK?

I have my IDE set to the Arduino ADK and I have the appropriate port set.

It's important to understand...I CAN upload successfully - as long as my sketch is below 30k.


  1. I upload a sketch that is just under 30k - success!
  2. I add one harmless line of code...say, declare an int, or do a Serial.println...anything that will increase sketch size.
  3. Try to upload - FAILURE
  4. comment out any line to reduce sketch size again below 30k size - SUCCESS.

This is purely a size issue - I've tried it on both Windows and MAC machines with two different ADK boards...

All 4 combinations of ADK board and laptop are the same - success with small sketches, failure the moment they go over ~30k.