Is there a mistake at "Motor Control v1.1&quo

I see the "Motor Control v1.1" in the test , and there is a Partlist : ,I found "IC3 L293E DIL16 texas 1" , but I found this Data Sheet of L293E ( and L293E is " POWERDIP(16+2+2) " not 16 .

So I buy a "L293D" instead , the Data Sheet of "L293D" : . Is it OK ? And I want to make sure that is there a mistake at "Motor Control v1.1" or a mistake at "Partlist" , but I see the PCB , it's "DIL16" , could I use "L293D" instead ? Thank you !

The 293D is right. The part list is wrong.

Thank you !
Do you make some "Motor Control v1.1" board?
Is it test well to use?