Newbie question on designing your own 'board' instead of using wires

I use Eagle for all my PCB design, for 2 years now, currently with 6.2.
I find that with attention to parts placement, I can let it autoroute and it does a pretty good job with 2 layers, even with complex designs, usually just needing some vias named GND to connect the top & bottom ground polygons together, and sometimes tweaking trace routing by hand to let the ground polygon fill in places it couldn't reach otherwise.
The iteadstudio DRC & CAM files work well for making sure boards can be made, down to 8mil trace width with 8mil clearance if desired. I usually go with 10mil for traces, 12 mil for vias and 24 (or wider) for power.
One thing that is a gotcha sometimes is having the trace width too wide and then it cannot connect to an SMD pad, usually for power.
I also put restricted area between narrower SMD pads (like FT232 and ATMega2560) to help prevent solder bridging.