Cercasi Esperto Arduino Udine

Cercasi esperto di Arduino a Udine e dintorni per la realizzazione di un progetto.
E' previsto il compenso e la visibilità poichè il progetto è su commissione.
La collaborazione richiede tempi molto serrati a partire da subito.

Per maggiori info contattatemi qui o al mobile:+393479162314


Google translate says:

Wanted expert Arduino in Udine and the near completion of a project.
And 'compensation and expected visibility as the project is commissioned.
Collaboration requires very tight timetable from now.
For more info contact me here or on mobile: +393479162314

Hi Stefania,

I understand you're from Italy, can you tell more about the project?

Ciao Stefania,
Capisco che stai in Italia, posso dire di più sul progetto?

Hello Robert,
for the project I think I need a person who can follow the project here because it is very difficult.
If you can come here in Italy for the time the project is going very well for me. From now would be for two to three weeks. Obviously you'd also accommodation, in addition to pay. If you agree, I write an email to explain to you better the project.

Sorry, can't make it to Italy :frowning: . Have you tried the Italian section of the forum? Might be easier to find someone there who might near Udine.

Ci dispiace, non ce la fa in Italia :frowning: Hai provato la sezione italiana del forum? Potrebbe essere più facile trovare qualcuno che potrebbe vicino a Udine.