8 bits is dead, long live 8 pins


Man I remember getting a 4004 data sheet as a promo, I read it and couldn't for the life of me see how these microprocessors things could be useful for anything.

Wrong :slight_smile:

Still at least I didn't put all my money into buggy-whip shares.


That's nothing. I met the two Steve guys, Jobs and the Woz, in the mid 70s up in Rohnert Park. They were travelling around the Bay Area trying to sell/raise interest in their original Apple (1) populated PCB. They showed if off mounted is a homemade wood box, and a user had to supply their own keyboard and TV monitor. I looked it over and said this thing/these guys are going no where! Talking to him, I thought Woz was a real nice guy, a real nerd/hacker from the old school, but Jobs was even then was looking for something that would 'show me the money', that came through pretty clearly even back then.


I was at the Homebrew Computer Club meeting where the Steves first showed the Apple II. I worked at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center and the meetings were in our auditorium. I had an Altair. Those were heady days!!
