arduino website access

I was thinking of biulding a type of weather station to get the temperature and humidity and stuff. I thought that I could link that with sometype of lcd display to show it. Now I was thinking of some type of forcast. I thought that I might be able to download a forecast through an internet connection and display it on the lcd display.

Question: Is this possible?

I have enough experience to get the temperature and humdity sensor stuff to work I think, but I didn't know if I could get a forecast to download like a cell phone app. Something small.

Is this possible?

Not only possible, it's easy, with an ethernet shield.

but I didn't know if I could get a forecast to download like a cell phone app. Something small.

It would be done exactly the same as with any browser. Parsing the data might be tricky, but it depends on which source of data you access.

The below might be of interest for an rss wather feed. There is a textstring.h library that can extract the data.