Dumping firmware/software...and/or reflashing??

Ah Ha! Success! I had the circuit correct, but the arduino code wrong ::facepalm::

I hooked up the Arduino as an ISP and deployed a new version of blink and it worked. The Arduino API refers to pins differently than I would have expected, but with a small modification to the blink program, I was able to have the chip tell me which pin had which number. For example, Pin 3 is actually Pin 9 for the Arduino API. So I think my first version of blink was trying to tell the GND pin to blink (or something just as stupid).

There was a parameter in the heartbeat() method of ArduinoISP that needed to change. The instructions on one site said to change the delay(40) call to delay(20).

I selected the ATtiny44 board which is only available after downloading the ATtiny addons for Arduino. For anyone interested, I followed these turotials:



Here's my modified version of Blink. It will cycle through all the pins on the ATtiny44 and blink the number of times indicating which pin it is:

void setup() {                
  for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
    pinMode(i, OUTPUT);

void blinkPin(int pin) {
  for (int x = 0; x <= pin; x++) {
    digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(pin, LOW);

void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

One problem I still have is, the delay method seems to be running slow. I tried a delay of about 100 (which should be 100ms or 0.1 seconds) which resulted in about a 1 second delay. In the Atmel AVR Studio, you can set the F_CPU value to indicate to delay how fast your clock is. Is there something similar in Arduino that might be causing my delay method to run slow?

Thank you so much for your help by the way. I sincerely appreciate it.