Full-colour RGB 4x4 button pad (monome-esque)

ok, so as far as i see, it seems that everything is hooked up fine.
now i tried messing with the wiring, and after simply connecting one led gnd to the middle transistor pin, it changes colors sometimes, but not smothly. its verry sudden, be aware, that buttons are not hooked up yet becuase i just wanted to see if the lights pwm like they are sapposed to... obviously they arent... wires are all correct, and i even tried a "debug" led thats connected right from the digital pot resistor to gnd, and its not changing smoothley.... very sudden, i can't put my finger on whats wrong, as of now, everything seems to be hooked up perfectly.

i might just scrap the way it's put together, and try to put it together on my own, becuase maybe itll make more sense...

but before i do that, i have to understand how you tell the second digital pot chip what to do...

i'm confused how you communicate between the second digital pot, and how you "switch between them"

so heres what i think you do, and please correct me if i'm wrong, so i don't mess up the chips...

i think you turn the master slave chip for one on, and the other off by either setting it to high ( on ) or low ( off ). And then you just comunicate like your talking to one chip becuase the clock and data pins are connected. is this correct?
And as for the transistors... are they REALLY REALLY neccasery, i think theyre just dead weight, unless they really help becuase i think a resistor might just slow enough current, before it entars the arduino, and the transistors just confuse me becuase i think they might be the source of my failure... if they savge the arduino, ill keep them ,but if theyre a "just in case" i might have to leave em out...