LumiNet (based on attiny84)

Here is the measurement of the power consumption:

I tested three programs:

  1. idle program
  2. idle but pin 2,3,4,5,6,7 HIGH (OUTPUT)
  3. sleep mode (SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN)

Arduino Diecimila @5V; LillyPad@5V; LumiNet@8MHz, 5V; LumiNet@1MHz 3.6V:
(all values are mA)

I guess the FTDI chip of the Diecimila consumes about 8,5mA and I don't know how to set this chip to sleep mode...

LumiNet can't run at 16MHz so there are no 16MHz values for LumiNet and it is hard to compare the 16MHz Arduino values with the 8MHz LumiNet values. But what I can say is that operating at 3.6V at 1MHz is a good choice for battery powered applications :slight_smile: