can't do it on my own just yet

Well i have 2 projects that i have been working on for sometime now, the one we are discussing now and another is a more application spacific project that we can discuss later if you are interested.

Im a qualified electrician and my electronics knowledge isnt bad, so i know what i want to do and i can find my way around all the electronics to do it, but im new to programming micro controllers and i dont want my projects to sit on the shelf until im a better programmer.

so i need someone to help me with the program. i can guarentee that either of these projects will take off and become lucrative, but a deal can be made incase they do 8)....... i would like to stay as involved as possible in the development of the sketch so that i can learn to arduino / C in the process as well. needless to say then that the person that decides to help me is going to need to be fairly patient :blush:

iv done good research and can offer accurate information regarding variables etc for both projects (everything necessary outside the arduino itself) and i have access to a 3d cnc machine to make the housings etc> i just really need help with the program.