Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

Just read the PM, and see that I mixed up my question/problem.

Just forget me mentioning Code::Blocks :*, not asking you to support any other IDE than the mighty Arduino IDE XD

This is what I did to reproduce the problem:

  • I re-installed Arduino 1.05 and 1.52, just to be save.
  • Then I downloaded the latest Cosa library.
  • I tried to add the Cosa library using the Arduino IDE (Add Library), no luck ( C:\Users\Marco\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_962622\Cosa10898\Cosa\Cosa\BCD.h (Het systeem kan het opgegeven pad niet vinden)
    I have absolutely no idea what the problem is. Never had this with other libraries...
  • Then I copied the Cosa library manually to my home folder/Arduino/libraries and tried to compile one of the examples: no luck, hh files not found
  • Then I copied the Cosa library manually to the Arduino libraries folder (C:/Program files (x86)/...), same problem, won't compile

Note that the Cosa examples do show up in the Arduino Examples menu and in the sketches / libraries menu! So the Arduino IDE does see Cosa!!

But while trying to compile the CosaBenchMarkPins.ino (or any other example for that matter):

CosaBenchmarkPins.ino:33:24: error: Cosa/Pins.hh: No such file or directory
CosaBenchmarkPins.ino:34:23: error: Cosa/RTC.hh: No such file or directory
CosaBenchmarkPins.ino:35:25: error: Cosa/Memory.h: No such file or directory
CosaBenchmarkPins.ino:36:28: error: Cosa/Watchdog.hh: No such file or directory
CosaBenchmarkPins.ino:37:25: error: Cosa/Trace.hh: No such file or directory
CosaBenchmarkPins.ino:38:40: error: Cosa/IOStream/Driver/UART.hh: No such file or directory
CosaBenchmarkPins:40: error: 'InputPin' does not name a type
CosaBenchmarkPins:41: error: 'OutputPin' does not name a type
CosaBenchmarkPins:42: error: 'OutputPin' does not name a type
CosaBenchmarkPins:43: error: 'OutputPin' does not name a type
CosaBenchmarkPins:44: error: 'AnalogPin' does not name a type
CosaBenchmarkPins.ino: In function 'void setup()':
CosaBenchmarkPins:53: error: 'uart' was not declared in this scope
CosaBenchmarkPins:54: error: 'trace' was not declared in this scope

When I however use #include <> instead of #include "", the No Such file or directory errors disappear, but still the rest of the errors keep coming...

I'm out of ideas on what is wrong...

Hope you now understand what I did, and what my problem is!