
Trying to use GsmWebClient

It hangs when initialising and when compiling it warms of depreciated calls, I can't find any updated lib or example code with correct calls

all help appreciated.

warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

and when compiling it warms of depreciated calls

And your google-fu rating is -27?

warning: deprecated conversion from string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]

THAT line is NOT the one causing the warning.

A literal string, as in
Serial.print("Im a literal string");
has a type of const char *. The literal string is somewhere in SRAM, so you get a pointer to it. You can't change what the pointer points to, so it is a const pointer. If you pass the string literal to a function that expects (incorrectly, most of the time) a char *, you get that warning. The best solution is to modify the function to expect a const char *, not a char *. The second best solution is to cast the string literal to the type that the function expects.

If Serial.print() expected a char *, instead of a const char *, you would use:

Serial.print((char *)"I'm a literal string");

Since you posted no code, I'm going to assume that this is the only bit you needed help with, and ignore the rest of your diatribe.