programming without bootloader

hai all,
I wish to programing arduino without bootloader..because when power is up the system must start, no need of delay time...
I am using AVR mkII. anybody answer me...
with thanks

You can do that in Arduino IDE.Just go to file and them use Upload Using Programmer.

sir actualy fine working that way , but my need is that I want to avoid initial booting time and when controller power on, code work firstly not bootloader


sir actualy fine working that way , but my need is that I want to avoid initial booting time and when controller power on, code work firstly not bootloader

If you use a programmer the bootloader should be erased. It cannot run.

Check that you have selected a programer in the "Tools->Programmer" menu.

When you use File: Upload Using Programmer to load the sketch, the bootloader is skipped and the program starts immediately after reset.

If you use the external programmer the bootloader will be deleted.

Does it upload just your program or does it include the bootloader too?

Just your program - bootloader will be overwritten unless someone made an effort to relocate where the image will be programmed in flash. The Arduino IDE may do this but if you find that after you used the 'upload with programmer' option you can't talk to the board any other way, then the programer may have wiped out the bootloader.

Can I upload program through ICSP?

with thanks

All you have to do is set the fuse so that reset starts at address 0 and not the bootloader.

Can I upload program through ICSP?

Yes, that's what it is there for.

To upload bootloader , Iam using "AVRISP mkII IN-System Programmer". I didnot find any option to upload sketch, in arduino IDE with ICSP.
Here Iam trying to upload .pde file , is it ok ? or HEX like format? If like that how to convert to that format.

thank u

To upload a sketch to the Arduino using an AVR ISP Mk II, simply connect the ISP to the ICSP pins on the Arduino - and then in the Arduino IDE, select File > Upload using Programmer.

You must have AVR ISP Mk II selected under Tools > Programmer in the IDE.

Uploading in this way overwrites the bootloader, thus there is no bootloader on the chip, just the hex file that the IDE has compiled

You may have to install drivers for the MKii. Search your Arduino directory for a folder called "lib usb" I think is the name.

How can I burn code directly to an arduinomwithout a boot loader. I have an AVR ISP mk2 to program with. Is there anything I need to add to my code??

Is there anything I need to add to my code??

No, the code is stand-alone. All the bootloader does is put it there.

Just use File:Upload Using Programmer.
You have the MKii drivers installed?

To upload a sketch to the Arduino using an AVR ISP Mk II, simply connect the ISP to the ICSP pins on the Arduino - and then in the Arduino IDE, select File > Upload using Programmer.

You must have AVR ISP Mk II selected under Tools > Programmer in the IDE.

mk2.docx (31.4 KB)

mk2.docx (31.4 KB)

I already posted this question.. but not working ..using mkII I dont find any option in tools or file
I attching the prt scr
Iam using ubuntu OS

mk2.docx (31.4 KB)

mk22.docx (27.3 KB)

I didnot find any option in mkII . I already attached that prt scr above ..
and Iam using Ubuntu OS(selecting IDE in root)

What prt scr?

I'm not downloading Word documents. Take a screenshot and upload a PNG file.

To upload bootloader , Iam using "AVRISP mkII IN-System Programmer". I didnot find any option to upload sketch, in arduino IDE with ICSP.


I wish to programing arduino without bootloader..

I thought you didn't want a bootloader? You need to upload the .hex file.

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