Serial LCD Display from Parallel

Please can someone help me with how to create a serial LCD display from this Parallel display

and a 5v Pro Mini board ,both of which I already have.

I have them set up at present for The "Hello World " tutorial ,but want to use it as the LCD as shown in the top left of the attached diagram to read some flight control parameters
RC Groups.

My level of expertise is -novice . I understand how to compile and upload an Arduino sketch and undertake the most basic of editing. I have completed some of the simple Arduino tutorials ,including Hello World.

I am hoping the answer is as simple as uploading a new sketch to the Pro Moni and being told which pro mini ternminal to use for the single wire input.

Hope someone can help

SparkFun Serial Enabled LCD Backpack - LCD-00258 - SparkFun Electronics, should make a beginning. It would not work to interface the LCD directly from the Pro Mini because after the schematic in the link the Pro Mini doesn't have enough pins for that.

I'm not sure if the LCD backpack I posted a link to has the same command set as the one outlined in the schematic, but they are both from sparkfun and have the same MCU.


Jan D
Thanks . I realised I could just buy a Serial enabled LCD or a back pack ,but was hoping with the parallel LCD and the pro mini I already had , I could make it work .
Seems the answer is -No . :frowning:

Just re-reading your reply . I dont think I made it clear -I have ANOTHER Pro Mini ,other than the one being used for the flight Control unit in the diagram.
Is the answer ,still ,No?

The diagram says sparkfun serial lcd 09394. That is the serial display you want, not the parallel one. If you want to make your parallel lcd behave like the sparkfun serial lcd, you will spend lots of time for the price difference. It's not really novice level.

Do you currently have everything else setup? The display is optional on the diagram. If you have everything else, just hook the serial lcd port to your arduino board serial, pop out the atmega chip, you can watch what gets spit out of that port on your computer. Whether you want to tackle with this problem depends on how complicated that output looks to you.

Youre right-no point doing if I do not have the bits already and would spend more than just buying the correct Serial LCD .
I thought it was going to be simpler.
Thanks for your help ,anyway.

Of course you could make something like the sparkfun backpack out of an Arduino, but that would NOT be novice level.
