usb relai pour commander electro-aiment

c'est bien ce que je pense,

Sur ce lien, il décrive les commandes pour actionner le relais

dec hex
90 5A Get software version - returns 2 bytes, the first being the Module ID which is 10, followed by the software version
91 5B Get relay states - sends a single byte back to the controller, bit high meaning the corresponding relay is powered
92 5C Set relay states - the next single byte will set all relays states, All on = 3 (xxxxxx11) All off = 0
100 64 All relays on
101 65 Turn relay 1 on
102 66 Turn relay 2 on
110 6E All relays off
111 6F Turn relay 1 off
112 70 Turn relay 2 off

donc ce serait ces deux fonctions
101 65 Turn relay 1 on
timer 1s
111 6F Turn relay 1 off

Mais comment les appeller?