Equivalent 1N918


I would suspect any silicon diode would work, even a 1N4001 type power diode. There is no need for microwave speed in a wind speed circuit. But link to a schematic if you want 100% for sure correct answer under all conditions. :wink:


1N4001s are very very different to 1N4148, perhaps 100 times slower to switch (1N4148 is 4ns) - but the main reason to avoid a 1N4001 is that the leads may be too thick to fit the holes!!

If you don't have 1N4148's in stock, start by buying a few dozen as they are cheap and v. handy.

My point was that without seeing the specific application/schematic the diode is being used in, it's very possible any old silicon diode would work. Or do you have more specific information? The OP was obviously working off some parts list so it's reasonable to ask that he has access to the schematic. And as I said it's very possible some random silicon diode he might already own would work just fine. Yes I know a 1N4001 is not identical to a 1N4148, and I didn't imply as such.
