RF link display using the ATtiny85

Hi carl47, thanks for the very handy post. I'm trying to use your library but get a bunch of errors when I compile the transmitter example. The receiver example compiled fine. I tried replacing the entire VirtualWire library with your version and also tried replacing just the 2 .cpp and .h files and I'm not quite sure what else to do. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Error messages;
...VirtualWire.cpp: In function 'void vw_setup()':
...VirtualWire.cpp:257: error: 'TCCR2A' was not declared in this scope
...VirtualWire.cpp:258: error: 'TCCR2B' was not declared in this scope
...VirtualWire.cpp:259: error: 'OCR2A' was not declared in this scope
...VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp:262: error: 'TIMSK2' was not declared in this scope
...VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp:268: error: 'DDRD' was not declared in this scope
... VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp: In function 'void vw_tx_stop()':
... VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp:299: error: 'PORTD' was not declared in this scope
... VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp: In function 'void TIMER2_COMPA_vect()':
... VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp:409: error: 'PIND' was not declared in this scope
... VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp:426: error: 'PORTD' was not declared in this scope
...VirtualWire/VirtualWire.cpp:428: error: 'PORTD' was not declared in this scope