Controlling volume from speakers


I tried the library out but even the loudest sound sounds so weak. :frowning:

X9C103P is a digital potentiometer available in my country, is this okay to be used for volume control?

Sounds like you've connected to one of the correct pins, but not the other. No matter what system you connect to, you need to connect to the OC1A and OC1B pins. These could be mapped to any pin number. I have no idea what derivative Arduino you have, but you need to get the datasheet or with the manufacture and tie to those pins. The OC1A and OC1B pins are the timer 1 PWM pins, and that's always what toneAC uses.

If you figure out which pins are used, let me know what system you have and what the pins are so I can note it in the library.

this is the arduino atmega644 that I am using.
Here is it's pdf file inside the attachment.

gizduino+ hardware manual.pdf (753 KB)