IDE Serial Monitor Window Bug

I discovered a bug when using the serial monitor window in Arduino IDE version 1.6.0
I am not sure if this has been reported before, but the problem does not occur in version 1.0.6 of the IDE.

The bug: With a sketch that prints some text to the serial monitor window, when the Serial Monitor window is opened, it prints part of the text and then the full text afterwards.

The sketch that I am using is the first sketch on this page

After loading the sketch to an Arduino Uno and then opening the Serial Monitor Window, I get this:

AreArea of circle is: 265.9044

But it varies every time I open the Serial Monitor window, the next time I get this:

Area of circle is: 265.9044

But on the previous version of the IDE (1.0.6), I get the proper text printed out with no garbage before it:

Area of circle is: 265.9044

This is the Arduino IDE running on 64-bit Linux.


I forgot to add - Can anyone test this on a Windows PC? I don't have Arduino set up on my Windows PC at the moment and don't want to install the drivers there either.