Smooth animation with an 8x8 RGB LED matrix

anybody knows how to modify the code in order to include a wider matrix?
I have tried by changing the y range to 30 , but this doesn't work .


  • Copyright (C) 2013 Gilad Dayagi. All rights reserved.
  • This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
  • it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
  • the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
  • (at your option) any later version.


  • An example for the Arduino particle system library
  • A wandering particle that emits colorful smoke
  • Note: this example uses the colorduino library becuse that is what I had,
  • but any device that supports setting a pixel to an RGB value can be used

//'r' for rainbowduino, 'c' for colorduino
//#define BOARD 'r'

//#if BOARD == 'c'
//#include <Colorduino.h>
//#include <Rainbowduino.h>
#include "FastLED.h"
#include "ParticleSys.h"
#include "Particle_Std.h"
#include "Particle_Fixed.h"
#include "Emitter_Fountain.h"
#include "PartMatrix.h"

const byte numParticles = 40;
boolean pulseOn = false;

Particle_Std particles[numParticles];
Particle_Fixed source;
Emitter_Fountain emitter(0, 1, 10, &source);
ParticleSys pSys(numParticles, particles, &emitter);
PartMatrix pMatrix;

#define NUM_LEDS 237



  • Render the particles into a low-resolution matrix
    void drawMatrix(){
    pMatrix.render(particles, numParticles);
    //update the actual LED matrix
    int LEDnum ;
    for (byte y=0;y<8;y++) {
    for(byte x=0;x<8;x++) {
    //#if BOARD == 'c'
    // Colorduino.SetPixel(x, y, pMatrix.matrix[x][y].r, pMatrix.matrix[x][y].g, pMatrix.matrix[x][y].b);
    // Rb.setPixelXY(PS_PIXELS_Y-y-1, x, pMatrix.matrix[x][y].r, pMatrix.matrix[x][y].g, pMatrix.matrix[x][y].b);

if ((y & 01) == 0) {
LEDnum = (y+1)30 - x-1;
} else {

leds[LEDnum].r = pMatrix.matrix[x][y].r;
leds[LEDnum].g = pMatrix.matrix[x][y].g;
leds[LEDnum].b = pMatrix.matrix[x][y].b;
// *******************************************//

void setup()
//#if BOARD == 'c'
// Colorduino.Init(); // initialize the board
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, 6, GRB>(leds, NUM_LEDS);
// compensate for relative intensity differences in R/G/B brightness
// array of 6-bit base values for RGB (0~63)
// whiteBalVal[0]=red
// whiteBalVal[1]=green
// whiteBalVal[2]=blue
byte whiteBalVal[3] = {36,63,7}; // for LEDSEE 6x6cm round matrix
// Rb.init();


//source.vx = 3;
//source.vy = 1;
source.x = 0;
source.y = 1;
Emitter_Fountain::minLife = 20;
Emitter_Fountain::maxLife = 80;
Particle_Std::ay = 1;
//PartMatrix::isOverflow = false;

//init all pixels to zero

void loop()
//#if BOARD == 'c'