ATtiny85 - OneWire.h

Hi Coding Badly!
I'll start from the bottom. Sketch for the 328 processor is about 6kB. What I've done that I've token this sketch changed pins for attiny and uploaded. What was weird that the sketch for attiny is smaller (about 3kB). But than i figured out that it will be some parts needed for 328 and not needed for attiny. I didn't tried tuned the oscilator because i don't know how to do that . But why is it important for me? I've read on the internet that this library especially communication on one wire bus can be complicated and it can require even 16MHz. I don't know if this was true or not. I believed that it was...:slight_smile:
I have favour. I don't quiet understand how i will change the fuses. From what i found out. It's needed to pick a board with a ATtiny85 and than i will upload the bootloader for arduino? But i don't know which one. I am sorry for those stupid questions. I am newbie in this area and i need a little bit of help. Thanks for any advice;-)