Avrdude error with Leonardo ISP

Hi there,

not sure if this is the right place to post this. First I want to thank PeterHV for
posting his update of the arduino-1.0.1 code to make the Leonardo work as an ISP.
This got me started!

In the meantime I switched to IDE 1.0.3 and first everything worked fine using the
Leonardo as ISP. After uploading different sketches to check out serial communication
on the leonardo I couldn't get the Leonardo to work as an ISP again. avrdude always
returned 'Yikes! Invalid device signature.'. After fiddling around for some time with the connections
I came again around this thread and checked the changes PeterHV suggested for 1.0.1 and
compared it to 1.0.3. Everything there besides the change in USBCore.cpp

if (USB_Available(CDC_RX)) --> while (USB_Available(CDC_RX))

So I changed this and: Voila! this made it work again!

Not sure if this change wasn't commited to version 1.0.3 by accident or deliberately.
But given the problems the old version could cause it may be worthwhile to change
it in the upcoming versions.
