[SOLVED] IDE crashes without notice

"C:\arduino\arduino-1.0\java\bin\java.exe" -verbose -Xms128m -Xmx128m -classpath "lib;C:\arduino\arduino-1.0\java\lib\tools.jar;lib\pde.jar;lib\core.jar;lib\jna.jar;lib\ecj.jar;lib\RXTXcomm.jar" processing.app.Base

You will see a bunch of information in the console window. Hopefully this will help narrow down the cause of the problem.

The following doesn't help with the startup problem, but is the typical way of displaying all that info in
the console window. Once the IDE has started [assuming you can get there], go to "File > Preferences",
and edit the preferences.txt file to include the line "build.verbose=true". You have to close the IDE
before saving the file, else the IDE will overwrite it.

This apparently has the same effect as your -verbose parameter above. This is how I found out where
the IDE stores all the build/console/untitled folders that never get deleted, and also that "core.a" is
never deleted from buildxxxxxxx.tmp on my machine that hangs when the IDE closes.

I can see the problems, but still have NO WAY to fix them.