New library for PWM playback from SD cards: SimpleSDAudio

Fantastic library, got it working within few minutes! :slight_smile:
Is it possible to play Audio in parallel while Arduino does other things? I wasn't able to figure out how. I wanted to see if I can dump WaveShield in favor of this library. WaveShield allows me to play Audio regardless of other things I'm doing, which is essential for my Alarm clock (shows time, blinking dots while playing alarm audio file).
I did some testing with SimpleSDAudio and it looks like if delay between calling SdPlay.worker() greater than 5 milliseconds, playback slows down and becomes choppy... Even calling Serial.println ("test") slows down playback noticeably. Here's example of code from loop:

void loop(void) {
  Serial.println ("running");
  //delay (5);
   if (!SdPlay.isPlaying() );
  // Let the worker work until playback is finished

Let me know if there's a trick to it :slight_smile:
Maybe buffer can be auto-filled by Interrupt?