Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

Hi MarsWarrior.

You really don't like reading documentation ;-). I was under the impression that you had already installed Cosa previously and was now attempting to use it with Code::Blocks and a new version of Arduino. I understand now that this assumption was wrong. Sorry about that.

Cosa is not an Arduino library. The Arduino preprocessor cannot handle sub-directories within a library. I like to structure things so the include is "Cosa/XXX.hh" for header file and then there is even more structure like "Cosa/LCD.hh" and "Cosa/LCD/Driver/HD44780.hh".

Now how can we get the Arduino preprocessor (compiler include path) to recognize this? We put the Cosa directory into the arduino header/source directory! So the installation procedure is:

  1. Download Cosa as a zip file.
  2. Unzip in your libraries folder in your sketches folder.
  3. Move the Cosa (source/header) folder to the Arduino source/header folder. For 1.0.5 that is the folder "arduino-1.0.5/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino".

You havn't done step 3 yet. That's all.


Links to the installation procedure:

  1. Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming - Libraries - Arduino Forum
  2. Cosa: Installing Cosa
  3. GitHub - mikaelpatel/Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino/AVR (See section Install)