Alternative non-religious sensor like the Maxbotix EZ1?

Actually, I don't think you are making the correct analogy. What if you knew that one of the parts you procure was run by a middle eastern group and there was a good chance that money was going to support terrorist camps in Syria? Would you still buy it? How about all the people who buy pot every day and think it is a minor issue and a "victimless crime"? They are directly or inderectly supporting drug cartels. Difficult choice if you are really attached to your weed :wink:

I would argue that somone who is that fanaticized that they feel the need to "minister" by advertisement on a business product is also either directly involved in trying to "spread the word", or putting money in the pot on Sunday to further the spread of their agenda. I don't want my money going to support a "mission trip" where impoverished and uneducated peoples are roped into abandoning their own culture to follow some white, anglo myth.

I agree that it could seem over the top to care about something seemingly so small. But I'm trying to not take the easy path anymore just because it is expedient. Expecially watching current events and seeing a person running for president running a prayer meeting ala Jerry Falwell, I am reminded of that famous quote with the line "Then they came for me".