big multiplexing tri colour led cube - will it refresh fast enough ?

thanks for the input

I was worried that there would be more overhead on the arduino if I ran with more chips ? (if I'm going to struggle with refresh rate)

I'm wondering how hard it would be to use one of those Parallax chips to run the led's and then use an ardunio to update that ? apparently a Parallax chip could run that many easy because of the extra cpu cores and some shared ram ?
(I don;t really know anything about those chips yet tbh)

thanks again for all the help, I just realise I should have said in my first post I'm dyslexic - sometimes my posts either make me sound like a moron or make me sound arrogant, or a bit of both... when I don't mean too... I have a habit of annoying people without even realising it... so in-case I do offend anyone, give me a second chance :wink: