Cosa: An Object-Oriented Platform for Arduino programming

Hi! Here is some news on the latest update and development of Cosa:

  1. TWI device driver for BMP085 digital pressure sensor.

  2. SPI device driver with interrupt handler for CC1101 (433 MHz) Low-Power Sub-1 GHz RF Transceiver. Tested on Arduino Nano IO Shield with CC1101 module with pinout as the RF24L01+ module. Simple interrupt handler for incoming messages. Can be configured with TI SmartRF Studio. Default configuration as panstamp (but 433 MHz).
    SMARTRFTM-STUDIO Calculation tool |

  3. Added support for even higher speed update of output pins. Unprotected (non synchronized) update member functions. Typically used when several updates are performed within a synchronized block.

  4. Adding datatype cast operator (e.g. operator uint8_t()) to bit-field definitions to reduce code complexity and improve readability.
    Updating HD44780 port access functions. · mikaelpatel/Cosa@93990e4 · GitHub

  5. New directory structure for drivers for Wireless devices.
