Due GUI (Graphical user interface) - [now community project]

Btw, I noticed that in last post I failed to mention how to instantiate the DUEGUI object, for others to see:

#include <UTFT.h>

#include <UTouch.h>
#include <DUEGUI.h>

UTFT myutft(HX8352A,22,23,31,33);                  
UTouch touch(25,26,27,29,30);
DUEGUI DueGUI(&myutft, &touch);

Thank you Darren for your support. Time is a precious thing, and I can relate to having to many projects and to little time. :)


Hmm, what shield are you using with your display? That is not a combination of pins I have seen before....

My tuppence for what it is worth, I think the coldtears DUE shield was probably the first to come out, and naturally mates well with the CTE displays so far favoured by this project until now. As such I think it is worth mentioning the initialisation code for that situation.

UTFT       myGLCD(ITDB32S,25,26,27,28); 
UTouch  myTouch(6,5,32,3,2);
DUEGUI  DueGUI( &myGLCD , &myTouch);


The DUEGUI UTouch->getX and getY have to be fudged. I noticed that on my display UTouch doesnt work quite right. So the getX and getY functions take the absolute values and corrects for X and Y.

Is this also the case with the genuine Henning library examples? Also what about the calibration routine? I was just thinking if possible it would be better to cure the cause, not the symptom. Since the underlying aim is now to produce a hardware independent DUEGUI, I just wonder if this fix could potentially cause problems as yet unknown on different hardware?

Was just wondering where the error may have cropped up.

I am still tinkering and going through the changes you have made, I also have yet to finish my test sketch which will essentially just be a modified version of Darren's original demo.

HOWEVER...............This is where I got distracted and went off at a tangent...... I don't like the single 16x16 font option, I was thinking it would be nice to assimilate a variety of fonts which would be a close approximation to the CTE Font ic fonts. The first problem with that idea is 34 point is not divisible by 8... similarly, neither is 28 which are the two principle font sizes in DUEGUI so far that I have encountered.

I was also thinking this is specifically to you Edward, is there anything in particular you want me to try/test/do for you, as I suspect I am likely to go off on several tangents with this thing..... :roll_eyes:

