Tricolor LED Strip

Hello Community,

I recently bought this at my local Radio Shack:

I'm a bit confused with this LED strip as it only has 3 Wires coming of it. I think it's 12v, GNG and Data. Does anyone know how I would wire this with an arduino?


Here's a better picture:

Look at that chip U4. What type does it say it is?
Then look up that for using with the arduino.

It is a serial protocol where you send data by waggling the data line to control each of the colored LEDs.

As the LED strip continues each chip & led is incremented. I have U1 -> U5.

Yes I know but all the chips are the same.
You talk to them with a protocol.

What that protocol is depends on the type of chip you have.
If you are not going to tell what type of chip you have then the only chance I have of helping you is if I actually buy that strip myself and look at the chip.

That is not going to happen.

I've found the type of chip. This strip has poor documentation. I'm working with a TM1803 v2.

I'll post back with what ever information I manage to find. I appreciate your help.

Found this if it helps:-

Thank you very much for your help.

Looks like I have some timing issues to work out.

I have the same LED strip. Have you gotten anything else figured out?

At the RadioShack link there are hotlinks to a ZIP with PDEs and the datasheet for the strip's controller and there's a PDF, too.
It's the "Product Summary" tab, "Downloadable content" (they aren't highlighted - probably so as not to call attention to them and keep consternation and anxiety stoked.)
You have to make a folder to put each of the PDEs into.
I've attached the ZIP and the PDF to this post. (310 KB)

2760249_PM_EN.pdf (449 KB)

I have several of these strips as well. I have them working fine on an Uno, but cannot seem to make them work on the Yun. Somehow it auto detects the Uno or Mega. However that works, it doesn't work for the Yun. I can imagine it would have issues with other boards as well. I'll paste in some sections of the code so people don't have to download the files from a previous post.

#include <avr/pgmspace.h>

// ******** DEBUG ==== should auto config to adapt different mother board *********
//#define DATA_1 (PORTF |=  0X01)    // DATA 1    // for ATMEGA
//#define DATA_0 (PORTF &=  0XFE)    // DATA 0    // for ATMEGA
//#define STRIP_PINOUT DDRF=0xFF  // for ATMEGA
#define DATA_1 (PORTC |=  0X01)    // DATA 1    // for UNO
#define DATA_0 (PORTC &=  0XFE)    // DATA 0    // for UNO
#define STRIP_PINOUT (DDRC=0xFF)    // for UNO
void setup() {                

  STRIP_PINOUT;        // set output pin - DEBUG: should auto detect which mother board for use



Somehow it auto detects the Uno or Mega.

No. Don't be silly.

That code uses direct port addressing, that will only work on the Atmel xx8 sort of chips. On other chips the I/O ports are at different addresses. So it won't work on boards with other processors.


Somehow it auto detects the Uno or Mega.

No. Don't be silly.

That code uses direct port addressing, that will only work on the Atmel xx8 sort of chips. On other chips the I/O ports are at different addresses. So it won't work on boards with other processors.

I wasn't trying to be silly. The comments claim the code would auto detect the board type and I didn't understand how that could work.

The Yun has two processors. The first is the Atmel ATMega32u4. Can that do direct port addressing? Is it just a matter of finding out the correct ports and edit the code to use those ports for that controller chip?

The Yun also has a second processor running Linux. That should not matter since the I/O pins are attached to the Atmel AtMega32u4 chip.

I just found what I needed. I found the FastLED library. It supports the TM1803 chips used in the Radio Shack LED strip I purchased. I tweaked the examples in the library for the TM1803 chip and the number of LEDs to match my strip and they work perfectly on the Yun. This is a much easier way to control LED strips than using direct port manipulation. It also works better across different boards.

I have the same LED strip the instructions state the 12V red wire goes to Vin, the DIN green wire goes to A0, and the GND black wire goes to GND
It says connect to external DC power with 5.5 mm barrel plug. The power source must supply 12 V DC and deliver at least 1A. Its center tip must be set to positive and plug must fit DC 12V jack. Using an adapter that doesn't meet these specs could damage product blah blah blah
Note: Designed for Uno only. To use with other models, modify the pin definitions to match your arduino.