I need a Project

I don't know about laws in your country, it may be an good idea to look at safety too.
In public places in my country people must... always be able to open a door to get out of a building.
Doors that can't be opened fast from the inside could cause a lot of serious problems.

Finding a way to tackle that/preventing that your application makes it unsafe and writing a little piece about it may also be worth a point or two on your final-score.
What should happen in case of a power-failure might be just as important. Suppose a fuse inside the building that powers your project decides it's time to switch off and someone likes to get in next morning....
Not having the key/your phone charged in time might also be a bummer.

As Basic-addict I did have some problems making the switch to C++ and I still think a lot in basic. (have done for ages) After using the standard examples of Arduino's IDE and following the first half of the tutorial, it has become lots and lots easier though.

I'd go for arduino as IDE by now, but if you would like to use basic with an arduino, that's possible too.
Bascom AVR from MCS Electronics supports loads of Atmels 8bit controllers including those used on Arduino boards.

It's hard to say what you'll exactly need since you still need to know how you're gonna receive messages and where you would like to display the info. Where would you for instance like to look at the graphs created ? Would it be necessary to have an display at the door as well or should people check their Email, use an online-site or just check the PC ?
Would you like anyone in the world have the capacity to open the door once they have a key ?
Hooking it up to a PC is possible, giving it direct connection to ethernet is possible, Using bluetooth for close range is possible. Each does need it's own shields/components and programming though.

Personally I'd probably go for RFID or 1-Wire keys, both don't need power and no-one can unlock the door for "fun" from 50 miles away. All have there own address and making graphs how often mr. Johnson opened the door this week is possible.

If you're going to use microcontrollers... first thing will probably to buy the controller and getting aquainted with it. Once you do you'll get more experienced and more able to see what best suits your needs.
I wouldn't buy too much else yet since you still need to look at the dis/advantages of all possibilities.
If you do have some electronics laying around the house you probably won't need a starter-set to follow the tutorial, otherwise it would be a good choice besides the arduino.