Driving Mega2560 from external 5V bricks USB port


even if this a little bit off topic. I changed the files for the Mega ADK and Mega this morning. I just double checked a second ago that the files can be downloaded and that they uncompress with no problems. You should make sure you are using Eagle 6 or later to open those design files. We are always working with the latest version of Eagle and those files were generated with those.

Again, we identified a communication problem between our editorial server (the one where we prepare the documentation for you) and our production server (the one you get documentation and files from) after we moved the whole server to a much more powerful machine. This problem includes that the zip files when copied from one server to the other they get corrupted, they loose the last two bytes.

I haven't been able of identifying the reason for this yet. Better said, I know why it happens, I just haven't figured out how to solve it in a way that doesn't imply a big hack to our current proxy server. So we have to manually upload the zip files to the production server after we have published the page and for the new R3 Mega and Mega ADK we didn't notice in the first place.

