Duemilanove hangs

I am writing a simple progam to read in temperature and a hall effect sensor. This isnt complicated at all.
It makes use of and LCD. The problem I have is that it runs fine for an hour or 2 and then it needs to be reset because it hangs. For now this isn't a serious problem becuase my use allows me to do this without a worry but this has to be a problem if I expand my use to other purposes I intend to use. I would love some suggestions. :slight_smile:

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int sensorPin = A0;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int sensorValue = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
long secs = 0;
int hallPin = A1; // Select the #1 pin for the hall effect sensor
char bufd[16];
char bufe[16];
char *bd;
char  *be;
int hallValOld = 0;
int maxHallVal = 0;
int minHallVal = 1023;
void setup() {
 // initialize the string string to nothing
  bufd[0] = '/0';
  bufe[0] = '/0';
  bd = bufd;
  be = bufe;
  // Tell the LCD to turn on.
  lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop() {
  long modSecs = 0;
  double digTemp = 0;
  int hallVal = 0;
  int digOut  = 0;
  int dispTemp = 0;
  int cTemp = 0;
  int hallOut = 0;
  bufd[0] = '/0';
  bufe[0] = '/0';
  digTemp = analogRead(sensorPin);
  hallVal = analogRead(hallPin);
  digTemp = digTemp/5.2;
  dispTemp = digTemp -22; 
  cTemp = ((digTemp - 54)/1.8);

  if (hallVal < minHallVal) {
    minHallVal = hallVal;
  if (maxHallVal < hallVal) {
    maxHallVal = hallVal;
  //sprintf(bd,"Min:%d, Max:%d\n",minHallVal,maxHallVal);
  sprintf(bd,"TempF = %d   ",dispTemp);
  hallOut = hallVal;
  hallOut = hallOut - 515;
  sprintf(be,"Gauss = %d    ",hallOut);

First, some general comments...

// initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
int sensorPin = A0;    // select the input pin for the potentiometer
int sensorValue = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
long secs = 0;
int hallPin = A1; // Select the #1 pin for the hall effect sensor
char bufd[16];
char bufe[16];
[glow]char *bd;  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.[/glow]
[glow]char  *be;  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.[/glow]
int hallValOld = 0;
int maxHallVal = 0;
int minHallVal = 1023;
void setup() {
 // initialize the string string to nothing
  [glow]bufd[0] = '/0';  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.  It's not correct; it should be '\0'.[/glow]
  [glow]bufe[0] = '/0';  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.  It's not correct; it should be '\0'.[/glow]
  [glow]bd = bufd;  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.  [/glow]
  [glow]be = bufe;  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.  [/glow]
  // Tell the LCD to turn on.
  lcd.begin(16, 2);

void loop() {
  long modSecs = 0;
  double digTemp = 0;
  int hallVal = 0;
  int digOut  = 0;
  int dispTemp = 0;
  int cTemp = 0;
  int hallOut = 0;
  [glow]bufd[0] = '/0';  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.  [/glow]
  [glow]bufe[0] = '/0';  // Get rid of this.  You don't need it.  [/glow]
  digTemp = analogRead(sensorPin);
  hallVal = analogRead(hallPin);
  digTemp = digTemp/5.2;
  dispTemp = digTemp -22;
  cTemp = ((digTemp - 54)/1.8);

  if (hallVal < minHallVal) {
    minHallVal = hallVal;
  if (maxHallVal < hallVal) {
    maxHallVal = hallVal;
  //sprintf(bd,"Min:%d, Max:%d\n",minHallVal,maxHallVal);
  sprintf([glow]bufd[/glow],"TempF = %d   ",dispTemp);
  hallOut = hallVal;
  hallOut = hallOut - 515;
  sprintf([glow]bufe[/glow],"Gauss = %d    ",hallOut);

Now to the lock-up...

char bufd[16];
char bufe[16];

You can safely store up to 15 characters in each buffer. Let's look at what you are trying to store...

TempF = 0   |
Gauss = 0    |

Looks good so far.

TempF = -99   |
Gauss = -99    |

Uh oh. Gauss doesn't fit. Does your application ever get Gauss values below -9? (even it if doesn't, it would be a good idea to both clamp hallOut to an absolute minimum value and make bufe larger)

Let's try another one...

TempF = 100   |
Gauss = 100    |

Uh oh. Gauss doesn't fit. Does your application ever get Gauss values above 100? (even it if doesn't, it would be a good idea to both clamp hallOut to an absolute maximum value and make bufe larger)