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I am kind of new on this. It has been awhile to use it. It was working fine two years ago on my old laptop win xp. Now I would like to play with it. Now I have new laptop win 7. I download and install on my win 7. I checked the driver and it is updated. I have iDuino (freeduino 2.2) I could not find it on the list of board. I was trying to use example "blink" program. The error message is avrdude: ser_send(): write error: sorry no info avail


Should be second one down on board list (recent IDE version V22). It should have "328" in the title, if the CHIP has 328 on it. If it has 168 on the chip use the Board listing with the168...

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It is Atmel 168-20pu. So I select Diecimala, ATmega 168. Still no luck. I have a question about serial port. I only see one com5. Nothing else like Com1 or 2 or 3 or 4? Is that normal?


I have a question about serial port. I only see one com5. Nothing else like Com1 or 2 or 3 or 4? Is that normal?

I think yes. Your Cool New Win7 machine has NO old-fashioned stuff like an RS-232 COM port 8)

Recently I installed the FTDI drivers and could not find com on it. Com port did not show up on device management. What did I do wrong? Someone suggest to to run the IDE as Administrator. How do we do that on Window 7? I read somewhere that said reboot computer with connect into Arduino. It should show new hardware but it did not find any new hardware. I put the all files in program files folder not x86 folder. Can someone help me with it? I would like to start to use iDuino soon.
