Leonardo and Excel


I just watched the video were Massimo presents the Leonardo Board and Im now in search for an example project that let you incorporate Arduino data directly into Excelsheets, as he states in the video. Any ideas? Examples?

In my project I would like LM 35 temperature data to be logged into Excel as a first test.I have tried CSV files and SD cards before but now I want to logg data and graph it live as data streams into Excel.



Ask Massimo what he was thinking?

Use GoBetwino?

I think he meant having the Leonardo "type" directly into fields in Excel. Something like this (assumes you start with a fresh Excel sheet in cell A1):

void setup()  {
  Keyboard.print("A1 text");
  Keyboard.print("B1 text");
  Keyboard.print("B2 text");

void loop() {



I tried Gobetwino ages ago, didn't work then but haven't tried later. The example by zeveland might do the trick but I think I send the question to Massimo( "An lazy example code"- let the arduino type in its own datavalues)

Have you tried PLX-DAQ? It worked pretty well for me.

I think he meant having the Leonardo "type" directly into fields in Excel.

Yes he did.

The example by zeveland might do the trick

It will only you need to use real values based on the input of sensors.

The answer from Massimo:

"I don't have code ready to share about it but if you create a loop that reads all the analog inputs, Print them using Keyboard.print and after each number use Keyboard.press to generate a TAB key. once you reach the last number you can "press" enter and the cursor will go to the next row back to the first cell..
I works with google spreadsheet.


I haven't tried it yet...