How to add a second and a third push button in a servo sketch??

Include (servo.h) // or whatever it is. Can't remember, using phone.
Servo shiftServo; makes a servo and named it
Int buttonShiftUp =0;
Int buttonShiftDown=1; //these are your shift up and down buttons you push to shift

Int servoPos =45; // make a ing for the servo postion and sets it to 45 for now

Int gearPos =0; int for current gear selected
Int gearNumber=3; //made a int for the number for gears you have. Set the 3 to //however many you have
void setup(){
shiftServo.attach(10);//hook up your servo to pin 10.

void shiftUp(){
servo.write(90); //moves servo to shift up postion
delay(100); // gives it time to get there
shiftServo.write(45); //returns servo to middle postion
delay(100); agains it waits for servo travel
void shiftDown(){
servo.write(0); //moves servo to shift down postion
delay(100); // gives it time to get there
shiftServo.write(45); //returns servo to middle postion
delay(100); agains it waits for servo travel}

void loop(){
if (digitalRead(shiftUpButton, HIGH) && gearPos < gear){
If(digitalRead(shiftDownButton, LOW) && gearPos>1){
gearPos = gearPos --;}
Tell me how this looks you. Fyi un still new yo this as well and am not using an compiler to write this. So may have slepping and or exact correct coding problems ie missing ; and // .
Don't think this is cut and paste is what I mean.