Guide to gyro and accelerometer with Arduino including Kalman filtering

Yup I noticed that :), but shouldn't I use the acc sensitivity in this function and for the Y angle as well :
double getXangle() {
double accXval = Accx-zeroValue[0];
double accZval = Accz-zeroValue[2];
double angle = (atan2(accXval,accZval))*RAD_TO_DEG;
return angle;

I mean would be like this: (4095 = sens in 2g range)

double getXangle() {
double accXval = (Accx-zeroValue[0])/4095;
double accZval = (Accz-zeroValue[2])/4095;
double angle = (atan2(accXval,accZval))*RAD_TO_DEG;
return angle;