Programming for voltage readout through Arduino leonardo and Xbee series 1

What is providing the voltage that the sender is measuring?

The potentiometer is providing the voltage that the xbee sender is measuring. The voltage signal goes to the Pin DIO0 on the Xbee sender.

How is that voltage going to be useful for moving a mouse?

I once did a little project that follows the example on the arduino website. By phyiscally connecting a potentiometer signal line to pin A0 on Arduino leonardo board. I can achieve the mouse control by controlling the voltage of potentiometer. I try to see if I can do it remotely by sending the voltage through the xbee wireless system to still control the mouse.

The output you are showing does not make sense. The values should be the ASCII codes for the numbers in the float being sent, so most of them should be in the range 48 to 57, with 10, 13 and the value for the decimal point in there, too.

Should I use analogread() or any other syntax to make the serial data back to ASCII codes?