MIDI Xilophone (over serial) to Ableton

So, today i am trying to make the 4 buttons work...
i have things setup in the breadboard and i have the buttons connected to Arduino like this:
Button 1 ---> Pin 8
Button 2 ---> Pin 9
Button 3 ---> Pin 10
Button 4 ---> Pin 11

Now, being that i have no experience writting code, i got a bit stuck with it.
I looked around internet, in arduino forum's and i actually think i got at least something i can work on...
right now the code i wrote (JUST for the buttons) is like this:

//trying to make 4 buttons work

// == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

int button1Pin = 8; //Button input pin
int button1Val = 0; //Variable for reading the button status
int button1State = 0; //Variable to hold the button's current state
int bounce1Check = 0; //Variable for debouncing

int button2Pin = 9;
int button2Val = 0;
int button2State = 0;
int bounce2Check = 0;

int button3Pin = 10;
int button3Val = 0;
int button3State = 0;
int bounce3Check = 0;

int button4Pin = 11;
int button4Val = 0;
int button4State = 0;
int bounce4Check = 0;

void setup() {
pinMode(button1Pin, INPUT); //Pin 8 as Button 1 Input
pinMode(button2Pin, INPUT); //Pin 9 as Button 2 Input
pinMode(button3Pin, INPUT); //Pin 10 as Button 3 Input
pinMode(button4Pin, INPUT); //Pin 11 as Button 4 Input
Serial.begin(57600); //Baud rate of 57600

void loop()
// Momentary buttons

button1Val = digitalRead(button1Pin); //Read input value from button1 (pin8)
delay(10); //Delay of 10ms
bouce1Check = digitalRead(button1Pin); //Checking value from button1 (for debouncing)
if(button1Val == bounce1Check){
if (button1Val == HIGH && button1State == 1) {
MIDI_TX(0x90, 1, 127);
button1State = 0;
if(button1Val == LOW && button1State == 0) {
MIDI_TX(0x90, 1, 0);
button1State = 1;



This would, of course, be incorporated with the rest of the code (that i posted already earlier in this thread).
I was adapting it from some one else's code and they have used their code to connect ONE button via MIDI, but i want to connect FOUR and use SERIAL. (right?)

In the code i have written only the void loop for the Button 1, but i would then copy it and adapt for the rest of the buttons.

i am really unsure about the "MIDI_TX(0x90, 1, ...)" lines...

I would like that the buttons are assignable to some midi event in the software (ableton, or Logic,...) like Play, Effect On, trigger sample,...

Would something like this work?
