LCD and Enclosure.

What trouble are you having getting it to work? It's working for me, but I had to modify the time delays in the arduino liquidcystal library (the problem was with the library, not the display). I had a horribly frustrating time where it would work once in a while, but 95% of the time would never initialize.

I would get either blank or sometimes the black character boxes showing (I now know) that it was getting power. This was the first LCD module I bought and I had not yet learned about the liquidcrystal library so i was working just from the datasheet. The problem could have been my wiring or my code. I have it out now and I'll try it again. What timing did you have to change?

In terms of centering, I just don't believe I could detect the offset, maybe mine is not quite the same. How are you going to make the cutout for the LCD and attach it?