Serial data not appearing in a BLE characteristic

The question is do you understand how they work?

It seems that you are assuming that the mere fact of sending/receiving serial data with a Bluetooth module would be enough. That's all your sketch does.
I am guessing the unnamed Serial Monitor app you are using on your Android smartphone is probably doing more than you give it credit for.

ios - CoreBlueTooth: what is the Service UUID FFE0 shorten for? - Stack Overflow


Thanks for the reply. I think everyone might be missing something here; the HC-08, like the HM-10 and similar bluetooth modules, don't have an arduino library that I can make use of so I need to work out how to write to the default characteristic from scratch. In theory anything sent serially (the first 20 bytes anyway) ought to appear in that characteristic (FFE1) but it isn't and that's what I'm stuck on.
