Blink Without delay help again.

Hay guys sorry to bother you all
heres my code for now

unsigned long Ptimer=0;
unsigned long Ntimer;
bool LedState=false;

void setup()
void loop()

int TurnOFF()
   Serial.println("turn off");
   return LedState;

int TurnON()
   Serial.println("turn on");
   return LedState;

i run the code on the arduino and all it does is turn the LED on pin 13 on and its stay there
i used the serial code to see whether the problem is in the switching, but from what i can see in the serial monitor is that the state change on time.
is my function is the one to blame here?

Perhaps turning off for 10 milliseconds is too fast to see.

Yup your rite, I increase the time to 100UL then the blink is noticeable. haha why didn't i think of that. well when you are doing for a long time you tend to get blinded by doing it the hard way where as you could implement the simple way around.


Is that ")" correct? Shouldn't it look like this:

(LedState==false? TurnOFF(): TurnON() );



Is that ")" correct? Shouldn't it look like this:

(LedState==false? TurnOFF(): TurnON() );

Looks fine to me.

Looks fine to me.

I guess it must be, else the OP would have mentioned a compile error. But I thought the syntax of the ternary operator was

(A? B : C);

ie, all in parens, not

(A?) B : C;

Live and learn....

It may not need any parentheses at all, if precedence is clear, e.g.

z = x > y ? x : y;

It may not need any parentheses at all

Ah, ok... thanks

It should be noted, though, that the ternary operator is not the most appropriate here, as its return value is discarded.
An if-then-else statement should be used instead.

Also, the TurnOff and TurnOn functions change a global variable and then return its value, which is then discarded. This is fine as long as it's a leftover from previous implementation attempts, but should be fixed in a complete sketch, because such hard-to-read code is a recipe for headaches in the long run.

ok guys could you all help me to turn this into a class?
heres what i think so far

class Blink
            Blink(int pin);
            int TurnON();
            int TurnOFF();
            uint8_t pin;
            unsigned long Ptimer;
            unsigned long Ntimer;
            bool LedState;

 Blink::Blink( int pin)


int Blink::TurnOFF()
   return LedState;

int Blink::TurnON()
   return LedState;
void setup(){}
void loop(){}

would this be correct ? it does compile but im lost when i get to this part.

Before turning the code into a class I'd rename the variables. Ptimer and Ntimer are really poor names, because without reading and understand the full code one can't tell what their role is.

The standard names in blink-without-delay style code is prevMillis and currMillis (or something like that).

would this be correct ?

No. The constructor will be called before the init() function is called. It is the init() function that sets up the hardware, so calling pinMode() before init() is a waste of time.

Your class needs a begin() method, called in setup(), where hardware-related stuff is done.

The pin argument to the constructor will not be known to the rest of the methods.

Why is the pin field of one type while the pin argument a different type? You don't plan to use pin -14 do you? Or pin 12,349?

tuxduino i notice that in reply #8 u said that my code change the global variable and then discarded. although i dont really follow what you mean, i wish to change my code to something better, so i hope you would help me tuxduino. How can i make it to become a better code, thus later on i could make it as a function and a class so that i could use it again for other led or what not.

uint8_t pin;

This needs to be initialised before use, and use different names to avoid insanity (pin/pin).

basic assignment:

 Blink::Blink( int i_pin)
  pin = i_pin;

initialisation list:

Blink::Blink( int i_pin) : pin( i_pin )

To use you need to create a variable of type 'Blink'

Blink b_BlinkObj( 4 ); //on pin 4, you probably use different.
void setup(){}
void loop(){

static bool b_Test = false;

if( b_Test )
b_Test = !b_Test;

but like everyone said, arduino functions must be used in or after setup

Ok now i really dont know how to make a constructor.
is there any pointer that i could use PaulS?

Ok now i really dont know how to make a constructor.

First, you make a list of things that the constructor is supposed to do. Then, you decide whether it is appropriate (possible) for the constructor to do each thing on the list.

Look here:

Look at the "Object Oriented Programming" setcion

tuxduino i notice that in reply #8 u said that my code change the global variable and then discarded. although i dont really follow what you mean, i wish to change my code to something better, so i hope you would help me tuxduino. How can i make it to become a better code, thus later on i could make it as a function and a class so that i could use it again for other led or what not.

Just remove the return statements in turnon and turnoff, and declare them void.

Then, as I said before, change the names of ptimer and ntimer to something that matches their role in the code.

Your code looks a bit convoluted, though (at least to me), I'd start over by copying the blink without delay example (you find it in the IDE somewhere under File => examples)

BTW, do you know the difference between global and local variables, and do you know what "return value" means, when talking about functions ?


tuxduino i notice that in reply #8 u said that my code change the global variable and then discarded. although i dont really follow what you mean, i wish to change my code to something better, so i hope you would help me tuxduino. How can i make it to become a better code, thus later on i could make it as a function and a class so that i could use it again for other led or what not.

Just remove the return statements in turnon and turnoff, and declare them void.

Then, as I said before, change the names of ptimer and ntimer to something that matches their role in the code.

Your code looks a bit convoluted, though (at least to me), I'd start over by copying the blink without delay example (you find it in the IDE somewhere under File => examples)

BTW, do you know the difference between global and local variables, and do you know what "return value" means, when talking about functions ?

tuxduino actually i copied the blink without delay. i just thought that making it into a function will help reduce the complexity.before i was using void as it shouldn't return a thing but well my judgment get the best of me in saying no harm done if i put return. haha ok for the global and local variable. ok a global variable can be use and change by any part of the program this is consider as a bad programming practice that i still cant turn my head around. ok for local variable, only the particular section of the code where the variable is initialize could the variable be used.
return value means in function. urm i cant really explain it but i guess i could give you an idea of my understanding,
lets say that i have a fuction that could make a calculation of something
int Circle(int Radius)
int area=2*(22/7)*Radius;
return area;
so basically what it does is when the function circle is call with the radius of the circle inside the bracket, the function will make some calculation with the formula of 2 x phi x radius. the answer to that equation is the are of a circle,where by once complete the function will return the area to the loop in which the circle function is call.

am i rite will all this or is there any flaw in my logic/understanding it.

heres my code for the blink without delay.

const uint8_t Led=13;
boolean LedState=LOW;
unsigned long PreviousMillis=0;
unsigned long CurrentMillis;
unsigned long TimerOFF=1000;
unsigned long TimerON=100;

void setup()
void loop()
  if (LedState==LOW)
    if (CurrentMillis-PreviousMillis>=TimerON)
    if (CurrentMillis-PreviousMillis>=TimerOFF)

would this be better in term of implementation.