i2c and a Dallas RTC Anyone??

Hi there, I have modified slightly the code to give me the full set of data the module outputs, and removed the code specific to the display.

the problem I'm getting is that the data returned doesn't seem to make much sense... :slight_smile:

 * A single-digit clock
 * (c) 2007 Bob Copeland <me at bobcopeland.com>

#include <Wire.h>

void setup()


    // program the time & enable clock
   Wire.send(0x80 | 0x21);

void loop()
  // reset register pointer

  Wire.requestFrom(0x68, 6);
  char secs = Wire.receive();
  char mins = Wire.receive();
  char hrs = Wire.receive();
  char day = Wire.receive();
  char date = Wire.receive();
  char month = Wire.receive();
  char year = Wire.receive();

  Serial.print("time is: ");
  Serial.print( hrs, DEC );
  Serial.print( mins, DEC );
  Serial.print( secs, DEC );
  Serial.print(" day, ");
  Serial.print( day, DEC );
  Serial.print(" date, ");
  Serial.print( date, DEC );
  Serial.print(" month, ");
  Serial.print( month, DEC );
  Serial.print(" year, ");
  Serial.print( year, DEC );



this what the module is outputting

time is: 34:49:66 day, 2 date, 5 month, 5 year, 0
time is: 34:49:67 day, 2 date, 5 month, 5 year, 0
time is: 34:49:68 day, 2 date, 5 month, 5 year, 0
time is: 34:49:69 day, 2 date, 5 month, 5 year, 0
time is: 34:49:70 day, 2 date, 5 month, 5 year, 0

I guess it has to do with the clock config, how do you go about configuring the module for your own time? I am a I2C newbie :-? and I'm not making much sense of the address map below:
