Lower than notmal serial monitor numbers from photocell

in a laser tripwire setup i run the photocell calibration code and the numbers shown on the serial monitor screen never get above 15 with laser light and 35 with led light. much lower than the values shown in tutorials. i am using a 10k resistor with the analog input and all the circuitry is correct. any help would be apreciated

all the circuitry is correct.

That must mean your LDR is defective.

in a laser tripwire setup i run the photocell calibration code and the numbers shown on the serial monitor screen never get above 15 with laser light and 35 with led light. much lower than the values shown in tutorials. i am using a 10k resistor with the analog input and all the circuitry is correct. any help would be apreciated

What sort of light sensor are you using: LDR, photodiode, or phototransistor?

Whichever one it is, if you want to improve sensitivity, you need to increase the value of the resistor from 10K to something higher. Try 100K.


could you post a links to the tutorial and other pages you mention?
